Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Yesterday I was having the day from hell. But just before I went to bed I got some good news. There's nothing like a great review of your latest book to pick a romance author up when you're having a bad day.

Literary Nymphs just gave my book THE MERCENARY BRIDE the best review I've received in my entire writing career, saying "THE MERCENARY BRIDE is one of the most enchanting, beautifully written romances I’ve ever read," giving it 5 Nymphs and also naming it a Golden Blush Recommended Read, a rare accolade on that site. You can read the review here.

I have some more exciting news to report. I recently "met" my long-lost cousin, Jay Hughes, who has just written a gay romance novel set among the Amish. That's right. Gay. Amish. Romance. Seriously.

Details to come.


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